concert: Holly Johnson in Paard op VRIJDAG 29 SEPTEMBER 2023

  • Holly Johnson
    Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard
  • Holly Johnson
    Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard

Podiuminfo foto's van Holly Johnson in Paard

29 SEP
HOLLY JOHNSON Grolsch Zaal, 20:00 uur Paard, Den Haag
Hoofdprogramma Holly Johnson

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 29 september 2023.
Dat is 528 dagen geleden.

Overzicht tickets dit concert
Tickets Holly Johnson in Paard
vr 29 sep
Paard, Den Haag
€ 39,10


Holly Johnson, showman in heart and soul, shines on the stage of the Great Hall on September 29. His career began in the 1980s as the frontman of Frankie Goes To Hollywood, with which he landed monster hits Relax and The Power of Love. Now he returns with a gripping solo repertoire, but fortunately not without a nod to his greatest hits.

Foto's van Holly Johnson

Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 27/09 - Melkweg Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard Foto Holly Johnson te Holly Johnson - 29/09 - Paard
Bekijk alle 21 foto's van Holly Johnson

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