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Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 14 juli 2023.
Dat is 605 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
What do a theatre teacher, a lawyer, a social worker, a bicycle repairman, and a kefir brewer from the Namur region do when they meet in Brussels under the same roof? The answer: electronica post-rock, dancing, and uninhibited. All just under 30 years old, Samuel du Fontbaré (guitar), Léopold de San (guitar), Louis Gaillard (keyboards), Gaspard de Bellefroid (bass), and Simon Boonen (drums) have been forming the band Ciao Kennedy since 2018. In the wake of two groundbreaking EPs (Les Vacances in 2020 and KELDERCAVE in 2021), during which these childhood friends honed their style and tamed their instruments, the project offered itself a residency of several months under the benevolent and formative roof of VOLTA. Just enough time to record “the problem is,” the third chapter in the band’s history.