Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 24 augustus 2023.
Dat is 542 dagen geleden.
Rotten Tooth Booking presents:
Syberia (post-metal, Barcelona)
Syberia is a captivating instrumental band that effortlessly merges post-rock, progressive metal, and atmospheric music to create a mesmerizing sonic experience.
Ontaard (black metal, Utrecht)
Ontaard is an electrifying leftist post-metal band hailing from the vibrant city of Utrecht.
Eaters of the Soil (doom metal, Utrecht)
Eaters of the Soil is a mesmerizing musical entity that fearlessly ventures into uncharted territories, seamlessly merging the dark, brooding atmosphere of doom metal with the chaotic and unpredictable nature of noise and jazz improvisation.
Tickets are available on acu.nl
Foto's van Eaters of the Soil , ONtaard
![Foto Eaters of the Soil te Popronde Nijmegen 2022](https://www.festivalinfo.nl/img/review/small/8014/15vtmpzza4ntocbmwq.jpg)
![Foto Eaters of the Soil te Popronde Nijmegen 2022](https://www.festivalinfo.nl/img/review/small/8014/mgmt93axiprvw1lelw.jpg)
![Foto Eaters of the Soil te Popronde Nijmegen 2022](https://www.festivalinfo.nl/img/review/small/8014/9rmvm58vh5qu7qaqin.jpg)
![Foto Eaters of the Soil te Popronde Nijmegen 2022](https://www.festivalinfo.nl/img/review/small/8014/vk7jtc25es4qeok1cs.jpg)
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