concert: Crustacean + Illfame in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 05 SEPTEMBER 2008

05 SEP
CRUSTACEAN + ILLFAME 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Crustacean

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 05 september 2008.
Dat is 6024 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Fri Sep 5: Crustacean (v.a. 21.00 uur)
Met optredens van:
Crustacean (thrash-deathmetal)
Illfame (metal)

Crustacean, no nonsense straight-forward mid/up-tempo thrash-deathmetal! from Tilburg and around, since 1989. Crustacean [as in hardshell] plays energetic and unpolished metal that sometimes hints back to American thrash from the Eighties, and sometimes thrusts forward Nineties Scandinavian riffing.
Crustacean is a band with a history of eight years of playing live, from gigging and touring with such renowned acts as Master (USA), Spina Bifida, Outburst (f.k.a. Acrostichon) and the Slayer Coverband.