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Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 05 november 2023.
Dat is 488 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
When Annahstasia writes a song, it embodies a world of its own. The self-taught singer-songwriter says her artistic practice is steeped in fantasy and romanticism, and Annahstasia’s rose-coloured perspective is elucidated by her enchantingly sumptuous and acrobatic voice – one she developed through a lasting appreciation for complex vocalists like Bill Withers, Nina Simone, and Janis Joplin. “Those were the first musicians that I felt lended their voice to their music and not the music to their voice,” she explains. Annahstasia’s own stunning voice is the powerline that weaves together her forthcoming folk-rooted record, Revival, a delicately produced project that both renewed her love of music after a period of uncertainty, and facilitated a potent resurgence of self. Experience Annahstasia’s music like you have never experienced music before during this interactive livestream!
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