Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op woensdag 27 maart 2024.
Dat is 321 dagen geleden.
Our artist-in-residence Nefo will present an experimentation with a chaos oscillator and atom-chain-sequencer, while KUNTARI brings animal mating sounds together with Indonesian tribal rhythms to create intense ambients.
The music KUNTARI presents is a duo of drum-percussion and cornet-guitar with tons of variations of heavy rhythm inspired by Hadrah Kuntulan from the 18th century and Sar Ping from Barongsai from the 12th century.
Live at Our Place is a series of monthly intimate concerts by Treehouse NDSM’s musicians-in-residence.
Our industrial Pavilion building will be turned into the musicians’ own living room, tuned each time to their own particular style and vibe.
We invite you to our place, grab a drink, sit on the couch (or dance!), and enjoy the tunes that our talented community is working on during their stay at Treehouse NDSM.
/ In partnership with We Are Public