Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op maandag 25 november 2024.
Dat is 101 dagen geleden.
This year -in 2024 - Mick Strauss will release his 2nd album "In the Dark" a collection of original folk songs dealing with loss, the signs of changes to come and the lightness of discovering and taming our inner beasts Surrounded live by Baltimore born Violinist and vocalist Jennifer E. Hutt -who played among others with Will Oldham- and the French Cellist and vocalist Maëva Le Berrre - who has played with most of the crème de la crème french rock and folk bands-, Mick Strauss brings his laconic sing-speak drawl to the higher shores of stupendous and brute string arrangements, a little Jonathan Richman, Bill Callahan, Lou Reed, Neil Young, Skip Spence, and Dolly Parton when she sings hits.