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On the 25th of January 2025, Wildstylez will return to the legendary AFAS Live to host his own event. It’s the place where he fell in love with the harder styles decades ago and where he celebrated many highlights. The AFAS Live is therefore both iconic and nostalgic at the same time.
On this night, Wildstylez will play a special 2-hour set and invite his friends to complete the line-up. It will be a journey through his career and our beautiful scene. Timeless is dedicated to everyone who cherishes Wildstylez’ music regardless of genre, generation or descent. For those who’ve been here since day one and those who have just discovered Hardstyle music.
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Concert locatie en overnachtingen
Dit concert wordt gehouden in AFAS Live in Amsterdam. Ben je op zoek naar een overnachting in een hotel of BnB in de buurt van AFAS Live in Amsterdam? Hieronder vind je een aantal opties voor de avond nadat Wildstylez Presents Timeless in AFAS Live plaatsvindt. Klik op de kaart om deze uit te klappen.
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