Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 23 januari 2009.
Dat is 5891 dagen geleden.
Plaatjes van MGMT, Late of the Pier, Hot Chip, LCD Soundsystem, Kings Of Leon, Vampire Weekend, Friendly Fires, The Ting Tings, Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys, Klaxons, The Rifles, Santogold, The View, Crystal Castles, Digitalism, Pete & The Pirates, The Faint, The Teenagers, Maximo Park, Justice, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Black Kids, Blood Red Shoes, Ladyhawke, Uffie, Foals, The Rapture, Interpol, The Strokes, Yelle, The Sounds, CSS, Cut Copy, Simian Mobile Disco, Alter Ego, Boys Noize, Babyshambles, The Wombats,To My Boy, Does it Offend you yeah?, The Gossip, Hercules & Love Affair, Dead 60s... etc.
Dit is ook de afterparty van Late Of The Pier!