Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 10 januari 2009.
Dat is 5903 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Sat Jan 10: the Smelly Cats (v.a. 22.00 uur)
Met optredens van:
the Smelly Cats (punkrock )
The Smelly Cats, a 3piece punkrock band from Brabant playing loud and smelly punk since 2007:
Tommy Queer (Vocals/Bass) – Young adrenaline-fueled punkrock-god, born to perform on stage and huuuge Queers fan!!!!
El Dudo (Guitar)– Sleezy/dirty/edgy guitar riffs and solo’s for pumping punkrock. When metal meets punk.
Manimal (Drums) – God of thunder and walking machinegun. The oldest but toughest!!!!!
A kickass mixture of 70’s/80’s punk and newer poppunk music, done several shows including the USA. One 5 song EP called 2 nuts and a pumphandle, and won the De DortMonster-Cup 2009 so they can open the Monsters of Mariaheide-festival next week.