Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 06 februari 2009.
Dat is 5817 dagen geleden.
EAT CONCRETE LABEL NIGHT: Dimlite (ch) + Blipvert (us) + Bretzel Zoo (be) + more
- electronica
door opens 22:00 – 04:00
EAT CONCRETE is a diverse and dynamic music label, firmly rooted in the Dutch electronic music scene. Looking beyond commercial goals and standards Eat Concrete retains the freedom to experiment with music and re-invent itself continuously. Many record labels try to establish themselves by maintaining an image or profile. Eat Concrete aspires to let go of this framed state of mind and preserve an openness in its approach to releasing music.
live: DIMLITE (ch), BLIPVERT (us), BRETZEL ZOO (be) / dj: PETE CONCRETE (nl), FRE2K (nl), EVAN ODD (nl), THE LOST HOMEBOY 2.0 (nl), SUBSANDER (nl) / visuals: VERVUE (nl)