concert: Next Life (no) + Nanko (nl) in WORM op VRIJDAG 20 FEBRUARI 2009

20 FEB
NEXT LIFE (NO) + NANKO (NL) 21:00 uur WORM, Rotterdam
Hoofdprogramma Nanko Next Life
Toegang 7 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 20 februari 2009.
Dat is 5864 dagen geleden.


Next Life (no) + Nanko (nl)
- 'gameboy death metal' / Nanko record release
door opens 21:00 / € 7

Next Life: “...the show is a complete experience in the logics of seasickness: sick colours, precise visuals, and this put to life through extremely precise, wild, innovative and hard-hitting music...” Next Life is to be preceded by Nanko, whose music ventures into an exciting balance between melodic arrangments and the repetitive aspects of the electronica genre.

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