Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 01 februari 2009.
Dat is 5820 dagen geleden.
Jaruzelski was a typical product of the wild german Underground-scene of the
80s. to provoke and shock the lame socialdemocratic scene which was the
ruling political class in Cologne for several decades. The choice of this
special name (of this special person) was (and still is) their statement not
to communicate in a constructive way with the ruling class: total
Their music includes loosely structured power-noise-performances between
Free Jazz (in the tradition of Masayuki Takayanagi, The Flying
Luttenbachers, Last Exit), Rock'n'Roll (The Fall, Rolling Stones, Elvis
Presley) and live-action (the guitar player, Dr. Borg, is really dancing
with his chair while outcasting his life!).