concert: Scar7 in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 17 APRIL 2009

17 APR
SCAR7 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Scar7

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 17 april 2009.
Dat is 5768 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Fri Apr 17: SCAR7 (v.a. 21.00 uur)
Met optredens van:
SCAR7 (metal / HC)
Mind Of Chaos (metal)
Fifth Of Four (metal)

SCAR7 plays a mix between Metal, Hardcore and Melody. This young band grows in popularity fast, winning the first prize in a Battle of the Bands competition, had some shows with bands like Portall The Blackest Grey, Last Breath Denied and Seizure On live shows. Two EPs, showing their progression.