concert: Stream of Passion in P60 op DONDERDAG 26 JANUARI 2006

  • Stream of Passion
    Metal Female Voices Fest 2011
  • Stream of Passion
    Stream of Passion - 1/7 - Effenaar
    © Evelyne Steenberghe
26 JAN
STREAM OF PASSION 20:00 uur P60, Amstelveen
Hoofdprogramma Stream of Passion
Toegang Voorverkoop: 13 euro
Prijs aan de deur: 15 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 26 januari 2006.
Dat is 6984 dagen geleden.


Arjen Lucassen built Stream of Passion (his first band in 10! years) around vocalist Marcela Bovio (Mexico), whom he had discovered through an international 'call for demos' announced on his website.

In a constant 'stream' of creative ideas shared via the Internet, Lucassen and the other members of Stream of Passion composed an entire album (Embrace the Storm) despite living thousands of miles apart.

Stream of Passion will hit the road for a European tour starting January 2006. The band will perform songs from their debut album, as well has songs from the Ayreon back- catalogue.

Support act is Damian Wilson, an solo-act on acoustic guitar.

Foto's van Stream of Passion

Foto Stream of Passion te Waldrock 2006 Foto Stream of Passion te Epic Metal Fest 2016 Foto Stream of Passion te Stream of Passion - 24/4 - Effenaar Foto Stream of Passion te Metal Female Voices Fest 2011 Foto Stream of Passion te Bospop 2006 Foto Stream of Passion te Delain - 29/10 - Tivoli
Bekijk alle 60 foto's van Stream of Passion

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