Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 24 februari 2006.
Dat is 6890 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Vrijdag 24 februari 21:00u:
Ataraxie (FR) + Wormfood (FR) + In Age and Sadness
[extreme doom death metal]
Ataraxie plays a dark, oppressive, melancholic music, alternating slow and heavy passages with raging death metal blasts. Wormfood is a shifted and eclectic band, performing a grim, unforeseeable, declining and immersive music. The band takes a malicious pleasure to disconcert the listener, alternating in a theatrical way between death, black, gothic, punk and french variety. In Age and Sadness is one of holland's most promising doom/death metal bands, playing in the veins of My Dying Bride and Opeth.
Voor, tussen en na de bands: DJ Demster