concert: Grande Cobra (NZL) + Juicy Zooters in Little Devil op ZATERDAG 08 APRIL 2006

08 APR
GRANDE COBRA (NZL) + JUICY ZOOTERS 22:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Grande Cobra Juicy Zooters

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 08 april 2006.
Dat is 6914 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Zaterdag 8 april 22:00u:
Grande Cobra (NZL) + Juicy Zooters [rawk 'n roll]
Grande Cobra play good old-fashioned grimy rock and roll, acting on stage as if they were possessed by the demon of the late Johnny Ramone. Everything is loud, brash, and backed by thumping drums. Definitely one of New Zealand's best exports right now.