event: ADE: RIOT! Presents: Treshold Showcase in Winston op WOENSDAG 20 OKTOBER 2010

20 OKT
ADE: RIOT! PRESENTS: TRESHOLD SHOWCASE 21:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Toegang 10 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op woensdag 20 oktober 2010.
Dat is 5252 dagen geleden.


Treshold Booking Agency is one of Hollands finest underground techno agencies. Since 2004, Treshold has been home of several Dutch and international techno/house DJs and producers. Tonight a special showcase of their roster for Amsterdam Dance Event! Sweet & dirty techno!
Paul / Naked Lunch (PT)
Patrick DSP / Betamechanical (CA)
Ritzi Lee / Underground Liberation (NL)
Richard Gatling / Voodoo Traxx (USA)
Carlos Rios / Contradiction (NL)