Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 21 april 2006.
Dat is 6895 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Vrijdag 21 april 21:00u:
Centurions Ghost (UK) + Fall Of The Idols (FIN) + Ex Libris
[doom / black / death / power metal]
Centurions Ghost has been heralded as a doom, black, death and power metal band. In fact they are a mixture of all of these, constructing songs that have an epic flow and overwhelming heaviosity. In spite of their wide variety of influences, they have been compared to bands like Celtic Frost, Venom, Candlemass, Unleashed, Entombed, and Cathedral. The sound of Fall Of The Idols, from the north of Finland, is founded in solid Doom Metal, in the right sense of the word. With bleak, hypnotic and cold soundscapes and vocals using the late Jim Morrison singing style in certain passages, which suits surprisingly well. Ex Libris have their home base in Tilburg. They play progressive metal with classical influences.