Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 12 november 2010.
Dat is 5231 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Fri Nov 12: Coogans Bluff (D) (v.a. 21.00 uur)
Met optredens van:
Coogans Bluff (D) (rock)
Sugar Sweet (grooverock / grunge)
Coogans Bluff (D), 4piece rock band since 2002. Influenced by 70er Rock, Psychedelia, Punk and Grunge. Made their own mix, (gewürzt mit Groove und Blues). Their CB Funk LP (2009) from DritteWahl Records / Soulfood contained 7 songs including CB Funk, Poison Juice, Suck my Balls. The very latest CD is MAGIC BUBBLES, now being pressed and to be presented in their home city Rostock in October.
+ SugarSweet , a rock band from the north of Noord-Brabant
Their music can be described as grooverock and the sound is influenced by bands like Priestess, Audioslave and The Parlor Mob.
Entree: € GRATIS