concert: Denim Blue Monday ma. in Little Devil op MAANDAG 24 JULI 2006

  • Fifty Foot Combo
    Helldorado 2017
    © Jarka van der Velden
  • Fifty Foot Combo
    Helldorado 2017
    © Jarka van der Velden
24 JUL
DENIM BLUE MONDAY MA. 20:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Fifty Foot Combo
Voorprogramma Majestic 12

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op maandag 24 juli 2006.
Dat is 6726 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


22-23-24 juli:
Turbojugend Tilburg presents:
Denim Blue Monday
from saturday untill monday. With lot's of great live performances, dj's, beer, even a Barbecue and on monday a Picknick and a Pink Fair. Among the bands that will be playing are:
Bad Preachers [belgium motorpunk]
Duitse Herder [punk rock 'n roll]]
The Freckles [TJ punk rock]
Stopcock [TJ rawk 'n roll]
Los Putas (BE) [heavy r'n'r with gutty trash]
Black Chrome [TJ rawk 'n roll]
Black Rodeo [punk rock]]
De botsende Bipsen [punk rock 'n roll from Heeten]
Surf o-Maniacs [surf 'n roll]
Majestic 12 [sloop rock 'n roll]
Fifty Foot Combo (BE) [monstrophonic garage surf horror and thunder]

Foto's van Fifty Foot Combo , Majestic 12

Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Helldorado 2017 Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Paaspop Schijndel 2006 Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Helldorado 2017 Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Helldorado 2017 Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Paaspop Schijndel 2006 Foto Fifty Foot Combo te Speedfest 2009
Bekijk alle 10 foto's van Fifty Foot Combo

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