De Belgische deathmetalband Aborted noemt hun eigen muziek ‘gut wrenching’ en daar is geen woord van gelogen – Aborted klinkt als een op hol geslagen wetenschappelijk experiment om de bruutste en snelste death metal te fabriceren. In de 25 jaar van hun bestaan heeft Aborted talloze bezettingswisselingen gekend, maar aan het hoofd staat nog steeds oprichter en vocalist Sven de Caluwé. Op 17 april verschijnt de nieuwe ep La Grande Mascarade! Mis ook de drie supports niet: The Acacia Strain (metalcore, VS), Benighted (deathgrind, FR) en Aborteds' Vlaamstalige vrienden Fleddy Melculy!
Zelf verwoord Aborted het zo:
Ok you dirty ghouls and terror maniacs! The time has come, we've all had enough time sitting at home, eating thousands of pizzas and gaining tremendous amounts of weight... and well, eventually, we wrote an album! So here is some good news to make your 2021 hopefully slightly less of a giant smelly turd than 2020:
1- We will be entering the studio, for said album, the writing is done and we are beyond stoked about it. More on that later.
2- HELL OVER EUROPE TIME! That's right!! Your favorite and most infamous extreme metal tour returns (or well, at least we hope it's either of those).
Added to the mix to spice up your life are: The Acacia Strain (they hate stuff maybe as much as we do, so we are looking forward to bitch like a bunch of old farts on a daily basis). Stefano clearly has some fat to burn, so we figured he should play twice a night and thus our good friends Hideous Divinity have been added as well for a good dose of Mario blasts! And last but not least, a band that has taken the world by storm with a pretty rad album: Cult of Lilith (prepare your anus).
Op een rijtje komt de Hell over Europe tour er zo uit te zien:
24-09-2021 - Hell over Europe Tour - Dynamo, Eindhoven (tickets)
25-09-2021 - Hell over Europe Tour - De Kreun, Kortrijk
28-09-2021 - Hell over Europe Tour - TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht (tickets)
31-10-2021 - Hell over Europe Tour - Metropool, Hengelo (tickets)
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