Aanvankelijk stonden er optredens in de planning in oktober 2020. De grote shows zouden in Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam en Vorst Nationaal in Brussel plaatsvinden. Nadat er nieuwe concertdata gevonden waren in november 2021 en later naar april 2022, is nu november van het jaar 2022 gekozen als tourperiode. Chainsmokers staan op 9 november in de Ziggo Dome en spelen op donderdag 17 november in Vorst Nationaal te Brussel.
Voor de nieuwe datums zijn weer tickets te koop:
09-11-2022 - The Chainsmokers - Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam (tickets)
17-11-2022 - The Chainsmokers - Vorst Nationaal, Brussel (tickets)
Het duo laat weten: We are absolutely devastated to announce that due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions across Europe and the logistics involved with touring at this difficult time, we’ve had to reschedule parts of the upcoming tour.
We appreciate every single one of you that has bought a ticket and held onto it during such uncertainty, we promise to be back with a bigger and better show for all of our fans at the end of the year. The kind of show we want to put on for you just wouldn’t have been possible in the current schedule…
To give some clarity on how crazy this is, this tour was technically our World War Joy album tour that we are now 2 years removed from. We have tried 3 times to move this tour to make good on our promise to you but each time we were forced to cancel because of Covid. What is also crazy is that at this point with a new album coming out soon it makes more sense to focus on moving it to the end of the year so we can properly rehearse the new songs. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you at the new date and playing our new music for you.
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