Rex Orange County annuleert Europese tournee met shows in Afas Live en Koninklijk Circus

Rex Orange County
Rex Orange County annuleert Europese tournee met shows in Afas Live en Koninklijk Circus
Door RobZ op 04 juli 2022 - 12:42 1 De Europese najaarstournee van Rex Orange County is geannuleerd. Hierdoor zullen de concerten op 18 november in Afas Live en op 21 november 2022 in het Koninklijk Circus in Brussel niet plaatsvinden. Ticketkopers zullen persoonlijk via e-mail op de hoogte gebracht worden en krijgen natuurlijk hun geld terug.

Rex Orange County laat weten:
It is with a great deal of sadness to announce that due to unforeseen personal circumstances, I am having to spend some time at home this year and I will not be able to continue with touring as planned.

The UK / IRE dates will still go ahead this summer but Gunnersbury Park in London on 13 August will be the last show of the year. I am devastated to say that the Australia, New Zealand and European shows scheduled for September and November will be cancelled. All tickets will be refunded.

This is the last thing I want to do. I love touring and I am so sorry to be letting anyone down. I look forward to getting back to it as soon as I can.

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