De bands A Liquid Landscape, Audiofeel, Audioknights, Automatic Sam, Bandito, Bird on the Wire, Birth of Joy, Blue Velvet, The Bodybags, The Bohemes, Bombay Show Pig, Bram Dehont, Case Mayfield, Casper Adrien, Chesko, Cloudmachine, Coco Bongo and the Bonfire Ranch of love, The Cohens, Corijn, The Cosmic Carnival, D I T, De Basis, De Gringo's, Deadbeat Passenger, Diggedyshweng?, Dr. Mabuse, Dusty Stray, Easy Joe, Eins, Zwei Orchestra, El Camaro, Electric Alleycat, The Fifth Alliance, Fleaco, Forgettoforgive, Friction, The Fudge, G.O.T.V., Grizzly Adams, Growlin' Love & Pain, Handsome Poets, Heist, Homemade Empire, Hunting the Robot, I am Oak, Ilanois, Imperial, Jae, Jess, Jesse Maria, Joost Dobbe, Kashmere Hakim, Klaus Womb & Penny Super Pony Strip, Klopje Popje, Krach, The La La Lies, Lake Montgomery, Liftid, Little Things That Kill, Long Conversations and the Closet Orchestra, Lotte van Dijck, Marlon Penn, Mary Had a Little Band, Mees, MilkMoneyMaffia, Mindpark, Monomania, Moonpilot, New YX, Noblesse, Number Nine, 0ne Trick Pony, The Pikeys, redtheplaneeet!!!, Relish, Represailles, ROOS., Secret Handshake Club, Secret Umbrella, Seeka, Sexton Creeps, Shock Royal, So What, Soul Sister Dance Revolution, Spaceguards, Spotrockers, Starcatcher, Sungrazer, The Swains, Tangerine & friends, Urbs, We are FM, Wild Bill & his Alabama Speed Steamers, Woot, Wotienke, The Wrong Jeremies, Yes!! Pinkpink.., Yori Swart, Yoshimi!, Zaphod en Zorita zullen de Popronde-podia gaan bestormen.
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